Unique jobs
for safe rail transport

Whether inspec­ting track systems or super­vi­sing track works: Our jobs give you lots of freedom. Even more, we offer excel­lent condi­ti­ons and also welcome appli­ca­ti­ons from career changers. Our further training oppor­tu­ni­ties ensure that you are able to build on your existing qualifications.


An attrac­tive salary

incl. 13th monthly salary

Own company car

inclu­ding for private use

30 days of paid leave

right from the start

Measu­re­ment techno­logy and mobile phone

state-of-the-art equip­ment

Profit sharing

prora­ted and performance-based

Company pension scheme

and capital-forming benefits

Family-friendly environ­ment

also with regard to working hours

Family business

with flat hierarchies


Testing training course

every five years

FIT courses (specia­list infor­ma­tion and training)

annually, with Deutsche Bahn

Occupa­tio­nal health and safety

annually, with Gemet


Click on a job ad to apply directly, or contact us at any time if you have any questi­ons or requests. We look forward to being in touch with you – and who knows, we might be able to welcome you to our team soon!

Your contact: Ms Gödecke
Telephone: +49 0391 5981513
Email: jobs@gemet.de

Construc­tion supervisor

for super­s­truc­ture / KIB / Railway (m/f/x)

Welding super­vi­sor

for track systems

Materi­als tester

for non-destruc­tive rail testing

“Gemet gives me plenty of freedom, and my work contri­bu­tes to making rail trans­port even safer.”

Andre Franke


We set you up for your future career develo­p­ment with active further training and more. We support you along your path towards your quali­fi­ca­tion as rail techno­logy specia­list or German Meister (foreman) quali­fi­ca­ti­ons in rail/track construc­tion. We also expressly welcome career changers.


Send us your appli­ca­tion quickly and easily via our appli­ca­tion form: enter your data, upload your PDF, and you’re done! Or feel free to contact us, and we’ll tell you more about our unique jobs and how you can start working with us.

Your contact: Ms Gödecke
Telephone: +49 0391 5981513
Email: jobs@gemet.de

    By submit­ting this form, you acknow­ledge that Gemet GmbH will process the perso­nal data contai­ned in your enquiry for the purpo­ses of proces­sing and respon­ding to your commu­ni­ca­tion and will store the data until your enquiry has been finally resol­ved, plus any appli­ca­ble storage periods. You may object to the proces­sing of your perso­nal data at any time with future effect by sending an email to info@gemet.de. For further infor­ma­tion please refer to our privacy state­ment

    Find our data protec­tion for appli­ca­ti­ons here.