We work to ensure safe and conve­ni­ent travel and boost rail trans­port in Europe.

We use state-of-the-art test methods and apply our exten­sive experi­ence to make rail trans­port safe, relia­ble and profi­ta­ble. Thanks to our services, our clients save time and money in maintai­ning the long-term relia­bi­lity and perfor­mance of their rail networks.


Non-destruc­tive ultra­so­nic, eddy current and magne­tic particle testing

Inspec­tion and produc­tion of conti­nuous welded rails and switches

Rail construc­tion super­vi­sion in conjunc­tion with welding works

Quality control of track treatments

Visual inspec­tion

Our employees are trained and, above all, highly experi­en­ced in visual inspec­tions. Expert visual inspec­tions ensure that mecha­ni­cal damage (caused by rolling contact, for example), manufac­tu­ring defects and assem­bly-related workman­ship defects are clearly identi­fied and thoroughly asses­sed. Even when other testing methods are also deployed – a visual inspec­tion always comes first.

Ultra­so­nic testing

We use ultra­so­nic testing to detect track defects in real time, from inter­nal irregu­la­ri­ties to corro­sion of the rail foot. We work with state-of-the-art hand-guided track testing devices to detect and assess irregu­la­ri­ties in tracks and switches caused by defects in workman­ship, manufac­tu­ring or opera­tion. We are also able to conduct surro­gate measu­re­ments for rail testing vehic­les. Once a rail testing vehicle has detec­ted irregu­la­ri­ties, these must be inves­ti­ga­ted further. We do this by means of ultra­so­nic damage assess­ments in accordance with DB Guide­line 821.2007. We also offer manual ultra­so­nic testing for assess­ment and documen­ta­tion purpo­ses and are happy to provide clients with a propo­sal for cost-effec­tive mainten­ance, if required.

Eddy current testing

We use eddy current testing to detect surface defects. This method comple­ments ultra­so­nic testing of both tracks and switches: Head check defects develop gradu­ally due to fatigue caused by rolling contact – a problem that occurs throug­hout rail networks. Eddy current testing is impera­tive once a head check defect has been detec­ted visually. We perform this test relia­bly and econo­mic­ally using our modern eddy current testing equipment.

Magne­tic particle testing

Magne­tic particle testing serves to detect and confirm surface cracks in compon­ents. When large switch assem­blies and rails are recon­di­tio­ned, magne­tic particle testing should be conduc­ted immedia­tely after defects have been recti­fied. This step is essen­tial for confir­ming that the material is free from cracks before performing build-up or overlay welding. It there­fore has a decisive effect on quality.

Enginee­ring services

Rail techno­logy monitoring

We monitor the produc­tion of conti­nuous welded rails and welding works in switches and provide geome­tric accep­tance of welded joints in switches and tracks. We provide techni­cal consul­ta­tion on welding works and super­vise construc­tion.

De-stres­sing supervision

We super­vise de-stres­sing works in the produc­tion of conti­nuous welded rails and provide subse­quent documentation.

Quality control of track treatments

We offer quality assurance for track treat­ments by quali­fied employees.

Construc­tion supervision

We super­vise track works, also in conjunc­tion with welding works.

“Rail systems are super complex. My work forms part of a larger whole, and I’m proud to know that what I do helps ensure that your passen­gers reach their desti­na­ti­ons safely. After all, safety can be put to the test.”

Fabian Knorre

A glimpse of our work

Metro Rotter­dam

Period: 01/2019 – 03/2020

We conduc­ted a head check inspec­tion for the opera­tor of Rotterdam’s RET light rail system. Head check defects are damage to rails and switches that can ultim­ately cause rails to break – someti­mes sooner, someti­mes later. Rail breaka­ges are not only a safety risk, but also very expen­sive to repair. Preven­tive eddy current testing ensured that head check problems were identi­fied and recti­fied in a timely manner, saving the opera­tor considera­ble expense.

Ultra­so­nic testing for SBB AG

Client: SBB – Swiss Federal Railways
Period: 05/2013 – 12/2020

We have been conduc­ting ultra­so­nic testing for Swiss Federal Railways since 2013. We provide regular tempo­rary support to SBB AG’s inter­nal ultra­so­nic testing team, parti­cu­larly during peak periods, to ensure that safety-relevant tests can be relia­bly conduc­ted within the requi­red time frames.


Approval as NDT testing facility

Approval as inspec­tion body for rail technology